Sunday, June 13, 2010

I find it interesting that the person [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] claiming to have recorded a disagreement on 3910 last evening (Sat. 11/24/07) has trouble reading the frequency he was listening on. Was it just a simple mistake or were there other disagreements on the band. Perhaps his [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] credibility is questionable.
I am afraid that some…posting to this forum did not get the whole picture. The recorder listed above [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] has spent several hours trying to disrupt a group on 3930 who asked him [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] to leave because he [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] was only there to disrupt the group.
No one, that I am aware of, that meets on 3930 regularly, claims to own the frequency. We do not exclude any station that is readable at all stations in the QSO….
Perhaps the "Recorder" [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] did hear a VE trying to break a 3930 QSO, but I can assure all that if said station (VE) was readable anywhere between here and west Texas he would have been acknowledged….
As for the "recorders''' [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] problem, he [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] was asked to leave the frequency not because we are an exclusive group but because he [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] was only trying to disrupt our QSO. No one on frequency wanted to talk to him [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] because he [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] simply acted like an a[ss].
As for surrendering our license, WOW.
The average ticket age on 3930 at night is over 20 years, mine is 42 years old and it can only be taken by the proper authorities.
If you think 3930 participants are wrong, please ask the "recorder" [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] why he [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] does not go to another frequency and just forget about us.
Who is right?
Visit us sometime, you will be acknowledged, but you will not be begged to stay if you aren't Q5 or you act like you got your license in a cracker jack box.

Joe WB4DSN commenting but also strangely ‘pulling punches’/the Bully’s call-sign in “3930 Trash” on 26 Nov ‘07

The malicious interference (see note below) on 3930 kHz is coming from n1fm and his cronies. Tommy did admit last night to sending an e-mail to one of the regulars on 3930 kHz threatening to take over the frequency. The reason for Tommy’s threatening e-mail to a 3930 regular had to do with said 3930 kHz regular telling Tommy he didn’t like his operating practices on 20meters and he didn’t want him to start those shenanigans on 3930 kHz. These are the facts about why this malicious interference is going on. You guys are witnessing peer pressure in action. Tommy will of course try to change the story around to fit his needs but this is exactly what STARTED this episode of malicious interference 101 from Tommy. Tommy at that time of the original contact was simply told in a kind and courteous manner (I heard it first hand) if he was there to start trouble he wasn't welcomed on 3930 kHz. It’s as simple as that folks.

Jimmy N5IFI about Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob the BULLY COP in “3930 Trash” on 27 Nov ‘07

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