Thursday, July 15, 2010

Brian Crow K3VR and Tom Whatley N1FM agitate and harass people, and when those people "threaten" them, they go crying to Law Enforcement, acting innocent.

Todd N9OGL in his “Why Does the FBI Have a LOW IQ???” on his Blog 18 Aug ‘09

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Your metaphors are very clear Joe. Many of your threads have been locked because of your obsession with certain people on a certain frequency. You start a thread, relate to a certain frequency, wait for some else to make mention of a certain group, then sit back. The staff and management are very aware of this.

Tom N1FM/n1sob [Brian’s agent] trying for lock-down in “Can someone explain this to me?” on 18 Jul ‘09

I call major BS!!!!!

If that is what I'm doing, which I am not, why are you the person making the connection for me?

You're doing exactly what you don't want to have happen. [ß This, because Tom does not know how to spell “hypocrite”.]

That just doesn't make any sense whatsoever. [ß Did I ever tell you that Tom needs a major ‘central processor’ re-set?]

I do enjoy our conversations very much, but I'm too busy having fun with my friends on ham radio.

So I'll let you have the last word. It won't help your case, but I'll let you get in the last one.

ToeJoe N9PH to Tom ‘Hypocrite’ N1FM/n1sob in “Can someone explain this to me?” on 18 Jul ‘09

This letter was posted on which is owned by Brian Crow K3VR and Thomas Whatley Jr N1FM....and the FBI WONDERS WHY I FUCKING THREATEN PEOPLE...

Todd N9OGL proving that Psycho Brian is still a FRAUDulent serial snitch, on his Blog 24 Jul ‘09

The QUESTION that needs to be raised...what LAWS did YOU violate? You see, it's one thing to complain...but when you do it’re not only harassing someone, you’re violating these individuals’ rights.… Oh wait, you don’t give a shit about that, do you?? Question is, how many innocent people did TOM WHATLEY N1FM put in prison using these same tactics when he was a cop??

Todd N9OGL posing a VERY good question, in “More from that STUPID Website…” on his Blog 13 Aug ‘09

Sunday, July 11, 2010

I was listening on 20 last night and I heard 3 amateurs talking about how many official letters they had received from FCC enforcement. Two of the amateurs were quite proud that they had never received any letters in many, many years of operation. The third amateur was quite proud of the fact that he had received 10 letters. As a matter of fact, a slight argument occurred when one of the other amateurs said that he was certain it was only 9, instead of the 10.

Now I do understand how people can be proud of the fact that they have a $9,000 Rolex, or a $12,000 Icom, or an $83,000 Mercedes Benz, but I don't quite understand how one can be proud of getting 10 official letters from FCC enforcement.

Any amateur psychologists (or one that plays one on ham radio) [ß Psycho Brian.] care to explain.

ToeJoe N9PH in “Can someone explain this to me?” on 18 Jul ‘09

Well Joe I have the MP3 which is tagged. And it was Brian and I. And I do have the expensive Icom. And Brian is the psychologists' [ß sic] in the conversation that you are referring to.

Tom ‘Mother-Fucker’ WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob in “Can someone explain this to me?” on 18 Jul ‘09


I didn't say one of the three in the conversation was a psychologist. Read it again, this time very slowly.

I didn't say one of the three in the conversation owned an expensive Icom. Read it again, this time very slowly.

And for the last time, the conversation I heard was not on that frequency.

Maybe you need a firmware update. [ß TJ, Tom needs a major ‘central processor’ re-set!]

HEHE...sorry, I couldn't resist.

ToeJoe N9PH to Tom WHATLEY, the ex-doughnut-eater, in “Can someone explain this to me?” on 18 Jul ‘09

Friday, July 9, 2010

This thread… was about a US amateur dropping the f-bomb and the FCC's response under Ms. Smith.

You're the perfect person to post to this thread in that you can contrast your experience with dropping the f-bomb under Riley and this incident with Ms. Smith in charge of enforcement. As I remember, in your 18 minute tirade last year, you hurled the f-bomb once, the MF bomb 7 times, and the anal orifice bomb 11 times.

You've said that you had to work it out with Riley [ß in the Gettysburg Bath-House] but I wonder if you can provide the details. Did Riley have a problem with your profanity? If so, did he cite what paragraph of Part 97 you were in violation of?

It seems to me that under Ms. Smith's interpretation of the rules, you might not have had any problem with the FCC at all.

Please elaborate....this is great stuff for all amateurs to know and fully understand.

ToeJoe N9PH to Tom MF’er N1FM/n1sob in “F-BOMBS AWAY….the FCC says it’s OK” on 25 Jun ‘09


Has it been 3 years already? Wow! It seems like yesterday.

Let me correct you on an important point as you may not have had time to read my earlier posts. I don't care one way or the other about the language used on amateur radio. Actually, if I had any say in it, and I clearly don't, I'd prefer no enforcement over either bad or inconsistent enforcement. Hence the subject of this thread. We're merely trying to figure out what the rules of the game are.

I'm sure that after we figure out what is going on in US Amateur radio enforcement, we can expand the discussion to other countries. However, at this point, we are having enough trouble figuring out US enforcement. Sometimes you have to bound the problem before you can solve it.

That's why your MF-bombing case is so important. Were you contacted by Riley concerning the incident? What paragraphs in Part 97 did Riley say you violated? And what was the punishment for each infraction?

In addition, you might help me out with this question. If you were allowed to hurl the MF-bomb multiple times without any punishment, which your post seems to imply, why on earth do you believe that another amateur [ß In another country at that!] should be punished for the same behavior? To me, that seems to violate the most basic rules of fairness.

Thanks again for your comments. This is great stuff.

ToeJoe N9PH to Tom MF’er N1FM/n1sob in “F-BOMBS AWAY….the FCC says it’s OK” on 26 Jun ‘09
Riley was and always will be nothing more than an arrogant bully that threw his weight around on innocent hams. Good riddance to him.

Susan KB2SFH ARRL Life Member speaking from experience, in Tom’s “MISS RILEY” on 28 Mar ‘09

RH is gone and will stay gone. He's not coming back. Time to leave go. And from reading the Laura Smith threads following her appointment, it’s just not those "associated" with a certain frequency that are happy he is [gone], [it] is a rather significant subset of the ham community.

Ed W3DUB in Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob’s silly “MISS RILEY” on 28 Mar ‘09

Laura Smith is doing a great job

I think that Laura Smith is doing a great job so far, judging by who her detractors are. [ß K3VR, N1FM/n1sob, KZ8O, etc.] She seems to have struck the fear of God into some of the hams that have been creating problems on the bands... [ß K3VR, N1FM/n1sob, KZ8O, W7CPA, KI4LUB, N1GJT, KE9RY, AC5IU, etc.] I was tuning around on 20 meters this morning, and the problem frequencies were quiet -- nobody was trying to chase contesters off of their frequencies. [ß KZ8O’s sub-specialty.]

Bill K3TP cogently observant, as usual, in Tom’s quickly mis-firing “MISS RILEY” on 28 Mar ‘09

I did speak to him on the phone regarding an accusation against me that was bogus. He was unwilling to hear my side of the situation at hand. Totally amazing how he sided with the other parties and didn't have all the facts. I feel because of his unwillingness to hear my side that he was personal friends with the other party. But I also didn't like his practice of publishing other accused parties’ personal addresses and the accusations against them. Too bad they all didn't band together for a class action lawsuit on him. He needed to be knocked down to his real size.

Susan KB2SFH recounting her experience with Riley to Tom in his “MISS RILEY” on 29 Mar ‘09

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I certainly hope that she doesn't continue Riley's practice of issuing official notices to hams based on Internet chatter, blog entries or slanderous accusations made by participants in a grudge fight. [ß I believe that Fred means the likes of K3VR, N1FM/n1sob, W7CPA & Co. certainly on 14.275 MHz.]

If Ms. Smith issues a formal (and published) notice to someone accusing him/her of wrongdoing, the very least we should expect is that she has solid, verifiable evidence for same - not the nebulous "information before the Commission" that Rileygrams always referenced but never elaborated upon.

If said "information" is unverified, a request to the accused party to provide more information is in order but it should be kept confidential until the accused party issues a formal reply to the request and the credibility of the evidence behind the complaint is established. "No credible evidence, no formal publication" should be the rule.

"Lauragrams" (if that is the proper term) should not be made public unless and until the evidence for same is deemed credible. I use the term "credible" in the strict legal sense, not in the Riley sense of "I'm sure it's credible because I know the guy who complained and, besides, I don't like the guy he's complaining about." [ß Touché!]

A number of people who had Rileygrams published in the enforcement actions section of the Commission's website (and in QST) eventually got one-liners from Riley saying, in effect, "We accept your reply and we're dropping the issue." In other words, "The complaint was bogus in the first place (and we knew/should have known this), so to save face we're letting you off the hook and we're not going to do anything to the idiot who filed the false complaint against you."

Or, distilling the foregoing down to street vernacular, "[FUCK] you if you can't take a joke."

Fred K5FH cogent in Tom’s “I SURE MISS [Sucking Off] RILEY” on 27 Mar ‘09

Time WILL tell, and the Lady deserves a chance to prove her ability to perform in the job at hand. She has a right to develop her own style, and it's not really fair to demand she be a Riley clone.

Larry WA9SVD principled in Tom’s “MISS RILEY” on 28 Mar ‘09

I agree it is unfair to expect her to be like Riley.

John KA4DPO [no friend of mine] in Tom’s “MISS RILEY” on 28 Mar ‘09

Monday, July 5, 2010

Tom’s atrociously designed/leading/misleading/confusing Poll Question:
Do you think the new enforcement regime can keep Riley’s work going?

Answer choices:
Give Laura Smith a chance
Bring Riley out of retirement

Tom ‘Uneducated COP’ N1FM/n1sob’s research methods in his “I SURE MISS RILEY” on 27 Mar ‘09

Laura's doing a fine job so far. In her first days on the job, she dealt quite decisively with a problem child here in our area.

Dave KN4DS who knows ‘the score’, to Tom’s “MISS RILEY” on 27 Mar ‘09

This is one of the dumbest polls ever, for several reasons. [ß I agree! The thread title is ‘leading’. The Poll title is woefully imprecise. The yes/no is therefore meaningless and worse. Only the Laura/Riley results may be ~salvageable—for QeerZ purposes—from this NON-sense! Bravo, Tom.]

Ron NN4RH laconically critical of Tom’s atrociously designed “MISS RILEY” Poll on 27 Mar ‘09

Saturday, July 3, 2010

"There are good operators and poor operators, just like everything else in life. There is a Canadian there that Canada considers mainly a fruitcake and doesn't take him seriously"..... R. Holligsworth Dayton Hamvention 2007. ............................................ 73 DE N1FM; 20 WPM Extra [ß Tom, even though I can’t spell “Hollingsworth”, I is his ‘cock sucker’ WHATLEY.]

Tom ‘Semi-Illiterate COP’ WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob in “There is a new sheriff in town” on 3 Feb ‘09

Don't know about that, but continuously posting your rather nausiating tag (complete with its misspelling of the sirname of the object of your affection) is a bit much. [ß Lee, Tom learned how to spell from Mad Mikee KZ8O/nd8v his 14.275 BULLY BUD.]

Lee W6EM/4 [no friend of mine] to Tom-the-Illiterate, in “There is a new sheriff in town” on 3 Feb ‘09

To AA7BQ [ß Fred ‘Hypocrite’ LLOYD owner of ‘QeerZ’ a.k.a.]

How about removing the images that have been [FRAUDulently] posted in the detail info for the callsign VE7KFM.

And while you're at it, REMOVE all POST from K3VR and N1FM concerning 14.275 and VE7KFM.

NOOBIE to Fred AA7BQ in Fred’s “We don’t want your opinions here” [Bravo!] on 8 Mar ‘09

Hey Fred
Some of us are behind you all the way…. [ß Nudge… wink… say no more….] What the uninformed don't realize is that this is a privately owned site…. [ß Something like a bath-house….] If you tell me… be careful with that Tom, then I take that as a clue. [ß Is Tom ‘clueing us in’ that QeerZ is a ‘private corn-holing’ site? That would explain a lot!]

‘Steroid-Tom’ N1FM/n1sob to Fred in his idiotic “We don’t want your opinions here” on 27 Mar ‘09

Thursday, July 1, 2010

When K3VR Brian L Crow is on holiday, the interference on 14.275 suddenly decreases. Who would have thunk it?

“Thomas Whatley” in “K3VR Brian L Crow” on TOPIX 14 Jan ‘09

When are the good amateurs in the Pittsburgh area going to step up to the plate and remove K3VR from the airways? How much MORE proof do you folks need to VERIFY that he IS THE SOURCE of the MAJORITY of interference on 14.275?

“Thomas Whatley” in “Crow K3VR” on TOPIX 14 Jan ‘09

*****BREAKING NEWS******

There seems to be a big glitch in the retirement of one Tom Whatley, n1fm. I saw his name mentioned once again as detective Whatley of Delray Beach. The date indicated January of 09. I am really wondering if the real estate market is that bad for Nina that dear old Tom had to go back to work. How long will it be before they must sell their second home if not done already. When will his 7800 be up for sale along with amp and antenna?

Whitney N3ZV in “The 14275 MHz Group” 16 Jan ‘09

I for one thought RH's approach was was [sic] novel and genius. [ß Any relation to ‘Psycho Brian’ K3VR as defined by ‘Miami Boob’ W4ASX?]

Tom ‘Brown Noser’ N1FM/n1sob in “There is a new sheriff in town” on 2 Feb ‘09

I don't wish for anything. I expect a taxpayer funded government entity to be professional and unbiased..period.

If that quote [ß Tom’s latest ‘QeerZ’ boilerplate, below] attributed to Riley Hollingsworth [about me during the 2007 Dayton HAMvention] is accurate, then he has made my point better than I have.

Jim N4MXZ to Tom ‘Bad COP’ N1FM/n1sob in “There is a new sheriff in town” on 2 Feb ‘09

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The jamming legacy of 3945 continues. Version 2: retired COP from New Jersey now lives in Port St. Lucie admits to jamming and whistling to his partner-in-crime, a loser from Vero Beach. I was listening to the two stations talking to each other early one morning yucking it up and laughing about the Port St. Lucie station going down the band and jamming certain frequencies. They both acquired CB echo mikes, which they use on their stations to pursue their means. It's really sad that hams who ID with their call and admit to jamming have no repercussions from the FCC, but this is what the hobby has become. Just goes to show what most people in this country already know, that just because you do or once wore a uniform, does not take away the fact that you're a useless amateur operator, and probably as useless in the other areas of life. [ß What’s with these ex-COPS in FL & jamming? Are some of them Criminals?]

‘HAMDUDE’ in “Six Suggested Jamming Behavior Types” on 21 Aug ‘08

If you go against the radio punks and terrorists and speak to certain hams, these guys will do everything possible to get you. They feel they have the right to dictate to whom you may speak. They feel they are above the law, right Tommy [ß A former COP.] with the Jesus holding a gun [ß N1FM’s avatar.]? The punk in Irwin, PA [ß K3VR] decides whom you can talk with and if you DARE talk to Karol, you will suffer the consequences. Make no mistake, these guys are radio terrorists.

David WA1BHV in “I passed my upgrade…” on 9 Oct ‘08

congrates [ß sic] on the upgrade

Tom WHATLEY ‘Semi-Illiterate’ N1FM—down/back-Edit, K3VR fashion—in “I passed my upgrade…” on 9 Oct ‘08

I heard the 14.275 lids (k3vr, w4nti, and some others) drive them off frequency this morning. VK9DWX was operating on 14.275, and these clowns operated on top of them, and drove them off frequency. I suppose that the new FCC regulations are that an FCC licensed station preempts any station licensed by any other ITU approved licensing authority (HI HI), and that DX expeditions are to be considered "harmful interference" (HI HI).
Anyone else hear the lids driving VK9DWX off frequency? [ß Yes, I did.]
One fellow was really annoyed to hear N1FM telling him off, and asked N1FM to identify. N1FM identified in code, and told the guy that if he didn't understand it, he must be one of the new no code generals or extras. He then made a few snide remarks about pipsqueaks using IC-703's and 706's, pointing out that he had an IC-7800. Great operator, isn't he? Really welcoming to new hams, isn't he?

Bill K3TP in “VK9DWX Willis Island Dxpedition” on 12 Oct ‘08

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Unfortunately, a couple of the crap stirrers on that infamous frequency [14.275 MHz] live in 4 land and ply their trade on 75 mtrs. when they aren’t up on 20 arguing and bickering with anyone dumb enough to fall for their bull_ _ it. One "unnamed" member of that bunch [N1FM/n1sob] lives here in Fl. and he’s just as argumentative and confrontational on 75 as he is on 20 when he’s attacking the Canadian. He obviously enjoys it so much he can’t get enough of it. He even digitally records his "adventures" and brags to the few who still talk to him and plays the recordings on the air as if it’s something to be proud of. Go figure.

Richard KE4ZHN [no friend of mine] in “FCC’s Hollingsworth Set to Retire…” on 27 May ‘08

VE7KFM MUST be a very popular fella. Just tune by 14.275 and listen! You'll hear N1FM, K3VR, W4NTI, W7CPA, KZ8O, and KI4LUB constantly calling him...

Eric VE2ZIB to Tom WHATLEY N1FM & Co. in “VE7KFM makes terroristic threats to america” on 6 Aug ‘08

N1FM seems like a perfect example of a poster that the mods can apply the "new rules" to... I'm sure this thread is going to die real soon. Once his cadre comes on, the name calling begins.

Ed W3DUB about Tom ‘Disingenuous’ N1FM & Co. in “VE7KFM makes terroristic threats to america” on 6 Aug ‘08

Speaking of BANNED, Hey junior; were you not temporally [ß sic] banned from site this at one time? Hmmm

Tom WHATLEY ‘Semi-Illiterate’ N1FM to Ed in “VE7KFM makes terroristic threats to america” on 7 Aug ‘08

Speaking of “temporally” banned, we haven't heard from K3VR lately? Is he Okay???? I thought I heard him and KZ8O in Q last night. Man!!! Did you happen to hear the language that KZ8O was using? What a disgrace. Why does K3VR "SUPPORT" such a foul mouthed amateur anyway???

Eric VE2ZIB replying to Tom N1FM’s post in “VE7KFM makes terroristic threats to america” on 7 Aug ‘08

Friday, June 25, 2010

Fact of the matter is, I will judge the actions and character of any individual ham based on how I hear them personally acting on the air and elsewhere.
If you have something to contribute to the advancement of ham radio, especially in helping out the newbies, stick around. Otherwise, beat it.

Dan N3OX telling Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob to ‘beat it’, in “Who W5ONV ?” on Elmers Forum at 7 Jan ‘08

· To the e-ham managers. Please explain why someone can post with anonymity such as W5ONV. His call is not valid with no ULS history. The person has no e-mail registered with e-ham. He is allowed to make accusatory and slander filled posts. This should not be allowed. [ß Tom, look in the mirror/ask your bud ‘Psycho’ Brian K3VR.]

Tom ‘The Bully’ N1FM/n1sob plaint in “Why does e-ham allow anonymous postings?” on Elmers Forum at 7 Jan ‘08

· Tom,
Me, Pointing fingers?? I am only telling the truth.
I am quoted on BOTH web sites.
Of course, one of those web sites [] makes up lies and non truths to make it look good.
Like the thing about me QRMing K5CM... Total Lie.
Cease and desist order.. another Total lie.
Please do Not preach to me about who is telling the truth.

Gordon N6WK [no friend of mine] to Tom N1FM/n1sob in “14.275 even w/o the two famous op’s” on 18 Jan ‘08

The following recent activities were known pirates: KG4G/N1FM, 6Y6/KZ8O, J73/KZ8O, VP5/KZ8O, VP2M/K3VR, KP1/3W3RR, YI1HRP, JX4A and SY1MA. There is no need to work, spot, QSL or say any more about these bogus supposed operations.

Bernie W3UR in “The Daily DX” 25 Apr ‘08

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Ah Yes, But Phreaking is VERY Illegal. I would HATE for anyone to get into trouble....
You know, and jeopardize their Amateur License because of it!
After all, there are FCC rules that can have your License taken away for various acts. I am sure phreaking is one of them.
Also, hosting web sites that post Lies about other licensed Amateur radio ops. Yes, many serious offenses in the FCC rules can result in your license being Revoked.
Problem is, The wheels of Government move slowly….
This stuff sounds Kinda like the crap the "Secret Squirrel" pulled.
Oh .. Wait, I think he still is around !

Gordon N6WK in “Harassing Phone Calls” on 8 Jan ‘08

· I am listening right now, Sat 1/5/08--7PM CST. It sounds just like CB 19 maybe a bit worse. The QRM'er was playing music for 20 mins or so. N1FM is the main person causing this havoc. Turn it on right now and listen to the mess. It’s almost amusing.

W5ONV in “3930 QRM and Idiots” on Elmers Forum at 5 Jan ‘08

· You would love it—N1FM calling CQ on a frequency full of other guys in QSO. His choice of words is most telling as he calls ‘CQ CQ hello 3930 for a signal report and propagation check’. This is followed by multiple stations telling him to get lost--going on for 23 min so far….

Unsolicited private e-mail “RE: 3939 now” 2012 EST 5 Jan ‘08

· He continues to do the same, over and over. Last quote from him is ‘the frequency is in use be me and I am recording all this QRM’. Its bizarre—I’m ashamed to admit I haven’t figured out how to record off the air directly, on the 7000, but I’m working on it. 73

Follow on private e-mail “RE: 3939 now” 2014 EST 5 Jan ‘08

FLASH++++++++++VE7KFM call sign invoked in free for all on 3930========Tom just said the V word trying to defend his behavior. Says: "you guys are acting like KFM” by QRM’ing him. He still keeps claiming the freq. was clear when he came on! Must be 20 others disputing him. It’s really sickening.

Follow on private e-mail “RE: 3939 now” 2059 EST 5 Jan ‘08

Thursday, June 17, 2010

looks like a nerve has been struck
the advice guys like you keep giving me and karol is ignore your detractors
funny how that advice pinches when it is placed on YOUR foot
have a nice day

Mark KB9RQZ elegantly putting Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob in his place on K3VR TOPIX 31 Dec ‘07

· FM,
Didn't I hear you on 275 this morning discussing the Phone calls I get? You sure seem to know quite a bit about them. Hmmm

Gordon N6WK addressing Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob in “Harassing Phone Calls” on 5 Jan ‘08

· I wonder Bob,
Are you in agreement that I should Post the MP3 of FM and VR laughing about giving me the Phone calls?
You think it's Funny. I think it is illegal and Stalking.
I wonder what you would think if they were doing it to you and Your family.
QRZ needs to ban BOTH of them for their Actions.
I HAVE notified Riley ! This is not a joke any longer.
One of them even made reference to my grand Children as if some sort of threat in a Post on another thread.
That really Upset Me !!
Not funny any more BOB.
Watch and see what develops... you might want to distance yourself, but then again, it might be too late !!

Gordon N6WK addressing Bob NA4BH, one of K3VR & N1FM’s toadies, in “Harassing Phone Calls” on 5 Jan ‘08

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Any nutcase can place information on the internet. In fact, they do it every day.

Tom N1FM subliminally talking about himself & buddy Brian ‘Psycho’ CROW K3VR in “3930 Trash” on 27 Nov ‘07

· Karol Madera: "N2RJ/ab2mh—Ryan NJ—voodoo-reasoning ‘jiggaboo’ brown-noser; changed call-sign recently." [Compare this line to the original on under “Greek Chorus”, 4th item down!]

Tom N1FM FRAUDulently misquoting Karol [vide ND8V above, for def.] <- missing in “3930 Trash” on 27 Nov ‘07

· Karol Madera: “The United States needs to lose the war in Iraq as soon as possible. Even more urgently, the whole world needs the United States to lose the war in Iraq. What is at stake now is the way we run the world for the next generation or more, and really bad things will happen if we get it wrong.” [ß Tom was a FRAUD COP!]

Tom N1FM FRAUDulently mis-attributing to Karol a passage by Dr. Gwynne DYER in “3930 Trash” on 27 Nov ‘07

· One thing for sure. QRM’ers don't go away: it's what they do. These guys are like cancer (sick). I found that if you look at these posts, you can tell and see who the QRM’ers are. Anyone who thinks that recording and making an mp3 of a freq. being screwed with and playing it for amusement and even being a part of it, is a sick QRM’er. I see guys with thousands upon thousands of posts (saying: hey guys come over to such and such a freq.--hey guys, let’s check out this freq.). What kind of pond scum is this? You guys know who you are. If you want your 15 min. of fame and maybe make a friend or two, skip about two week-ends of your beer drinking and QRM’ing and take the money you save and buy a cheap used 500w amp., build yourself a correctly-sized dipole and then you should have a signal everybody can hear. Now here comes the hard part: see if you can find enough balls to come on whatever freq. and be a man--and a real HAM--and ask if you can be a part of the conversation. And if not, no big deal: move on to the next freq. Sooner or latter you will find one that suits you just right. Don’t be like those who find QRM’ing amusing and fun. These people will never, ever have any real friends and will spend the rest of their lives very sad and sick…. [~Deciphered.]

Ron WJ5L’s 1st post on QRZ [!] to Tom N1FM/n1sob & Co. on “3930, How NOT to handle QRM” on 8 Dec ‘07

Sunday, June 13, 2010

I find it interesting that the person [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] claiming to have recorded a disagreement on 3910 last evening (Sat. 11/24/07) has trouble reading the frequency he was listening on. Was it just a simple mistake or were there other disagreements on the band. Perhaps his [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] credibility is questionable.
I am afraid that some…posting to this forum did not get the whole picture. The recorder listed above [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] has spent several hours trying to disrupt a group on 3930 who asked him [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] to leave because he [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] was only there to disrupt the group.
No one, that I am aware of, that meets on 3930 regularly, claims to own the frequency. We do not exclude any station that is readable at all stations in the QSO….
Perhaps the "Recorder" [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] did hear a VE trying to break a 3930 QSO, but I can assure all that if said station (VE) was readable anywhere between here and west Texas he would have been acknowledged….
As for the "recorders''' [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] problem, he [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] was asked to leave the frequency not because we are an exclusive group but because he [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] was only trying to disrupt our QSO. No one on frequency wanted to talk to him [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] because he [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] simply acted like an a[ss].
As for surrendering our license, WOW.
The average ticket age on 3930 at night is over 20 years, mine is 42 years old and it can only be taken by the proper authorities.
If you think 3930 participants are wrong, please ask the "recorder" [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] why he [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] does not go to another frequency and just forget about us.
Who is right?
Visit us sometime, you will be acknowledged, but you will not be begged to stay if you aren't Q5 or you act like you got your license in a cracker jack box.

Joe WB4DSN commenting but also strangely ‘pulling punches’/the Bully’s call-sign in “3930 Trash” on 26 Nov ‘07

The malicious interference (see note below) on 3930 kHz is coming from n1fm and his cronies. Tommy did admit last night to sending an e-mail to one of the regulars on 3930 kHz threatening to take over the frequency. The reason for Tommy’s threatening e-mail to a 3930 regular had to do with said 3930 kHz regular telling Tommy he didn’t like his operating practices on 20meters and he didn’t want him to start those shenanigans on 3930 kHz. These are the facts about why this malicious interference is going on. You guys are witnessing peer pressure in action. Tommy will of course try to change the story around to fit his needs but this is exactly what STARTED this episode of malicious interference 101 from Tommy. Tommy at that time of the original contact was simply told in a kind and courteous manner (I heard it first hand) if he was there to start trouble he wasn't welcomed on 3930 kHz. It’s as simple as that folks.

Jimmy N5IFI about Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob the BULLY COP in “3930 Trash” on 27 Nov ‘07
The tendency is [to] plant on one frequency, monitor and wait for [your] buddies to get in there. Now imagine this….. Two young or old hams say "… xx is clear QSY there." Unbeknown to them, there are 20 guys listening. Now the e-mails start flying. The phone calls start. Now the Amp tune ups cover up the QSO. Then the little wars start. Once they are driven off now the comments are "they should know that there is a whole group that talks here; Why would they do that? Ahh yes then there is the misnomer that "this is our frequency, we own it and no one is taking it over". [ß Tell us something we don’t know, Tom. But, has Riley figured this out yet?]

Tom N1FM subliminally letting the cat out of the bag about his buddies’ MO on 14.275 in “3930 Trash” on 25 Nov ‘07

OK, enough is enough. That was a long session that did not help anyone, and in reality was provoked by one lone individual [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] who explicitly entered the ongoing QSO; the 7 minute clip on YouTube that was recorded towards the end of the session does not show that. It also doesn't show that this has been an ongoing issue, longer than the one session being talked about on this thread, with tactics displayed that have not necessarily been confined to 75M either. How convenient for that one individual [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob]. Now that individual [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] was back in there once again tonight, aggravating the situation even further. What I have a hard time understanding is that for someone [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] who says he [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] takes exception to the perceived brashness of some of the folks on 75M as he [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] has indicated within this current thread, why is he [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] back in there again provoking an argument? That doesn’t sound like he [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] takes exception to such things, it sounds like he [Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob] relishes in them. Jumping back into their QSO, knowing fully well what will happen with such a provoking agenda, is neither the wisest nor the most considerate thing to do, particularly since there are many people in the QSO that are not part of the original issue and who should not be subjected to such tactics.

Mike W5CUL explaining, but strangely ‘pulling punches’/the Bully’s call-sign in “3930 Trash” on 25 Nov ‘07

Friday, June 11, 2010

[R]emember that this is the same Tom Whatley the spat out the great "F" bomb tirade last September!
Mr. Crow when you post, please leave out the obsession with Mr. Madera. [ß In a thread about Tom N1FM/n1sob!]

Whitney N3ZV to Brian ‘Obsessed’ CROW K3VR in his “N1FM” on 17 Jan ‘07

Hopefully, the Canadadians [sic] will take a stand against this threatening blowhard soon. [ß I hope some long-suffering ‘jiggaboo’ in Delray ‘blows your head off’, Tom, for cause.]

Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob, a ‘Semi-Illiterate BULLY COP’ in K3VR’s “N1FM” on 18 Jan ‘07

Hi folks, I am looking for directional information from station around the country for a station transmitting on 14.275 MHz. This is a suppossed "bulletin" of amateur radio interest, identified alternatingly as K3VR and N1FM in morse. This is generally heard on weekends, and often transmitted in excess of an hour or more at a time. [ß Duane is an OO. Good, so far.]

Duane WV2B’s 1st inquiry on “County Hunter Forum” re Brian’s BULL-etins as re-broadcast by Tom N1FM/n1sob 29 Apr ‘07

This is a bulletin aimed at VE7KFM. This is a basically personal dispute being carried out under the guise of being an amateur bulletin. If you hear it you will quickly see what I mean. [ß Congratulations on the obvious, correct and unequivocal analysis, Duane. Advance to the head of the OO Class….]

Duane WV2B in “Not K1MAN” on “County Hunter Forum” commenting on Brian/Tom’s BULL-etins 29 Apr ‘07

From near Kansas City, MO strongest signals from 120 degrees just a bit South of straight East. [ß Hint, hint = FL.]

Alan KI7WO in “Direction” on “County Hunter Forum” re source of the K3VR/N1FM BULL-etins 29 Apr ‘07

Hi Folks, According to the FCC the "bulletins" being transmitted on 14.275 MHz are not being transmitted as identified. They are rebroadcasts of podcasts aimed at framing the stations in the id. [ß Wrong, Duane. Sit in the corner with Dunce-Cap on and repeat after me: “I will NOT fall for Riley’s Bull-Shit”.]

Duane WV2B after being taken in by Riley’s BS in “Bulletins of amateur radio interest” on “County Hunter Forum” 3 May ‘07

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

You will have no other choice and [sic] listen to my and other Authority.
Do you know what the fine is to threaten an officer of the law? [ß Getting sucked off in the Police Bath-House?]
How about threaten [sic] a government employee? [ß Ditto… only in the Out-House?]

So you seem to think I have spelling errors?
You must be a very sick individual to believe that.
Wait until you see your mistakes in court!

Still do not know who I am do you? [ß Wrong, Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob, you Bad COP you!]

“Bill Bubba” a.k.a. Tom WHATLEY’s last threatening e-mail [unanswered] to me Re: KANUK [sic] 21 Oct ‘04

[I] feel compelled to comment on your correspondence depicting the 3945 group as imbecilic silly-asses…. Like this great country that both you and I have the privilege of being citizens of [sic], 3945 truly represents a cross section of the broad spectrum society that makes not only this country great but unique as well. The group on 3945 exhibits every quality, emotion and behavior to include bad that is essential to maintaining the balance that is the foundation of the principals [sic] of freedom to include the personal freedom of opinion guaranteed us as all as [sic] citizens. Even though some may push the envelope with regard to your (and at times my) sensitivities a blanket statement referring to us all as juvenile delinquents and silly asses clearly demonstrates your lack of understanding and biased perspective for the group as a whole…. In keeping with the season at hand my message to you is good health, happiness and my prayers that you might gain in the insight and enlightenment that all though we are ALL very much alike we are all individuals as well [sic]. I beg you bare [sic] that in mind when you decide to brand an entire group of your (like it or not) fellow amateurs as you have.

Tom WHATLEY ‘The Functionally Illiterate HAM’ N1FM/n1sob to Riley in “3945 GUEST BOOK” 28 Nov ‘04

You were very cordial on the radio last night and were still being jammed. I must tell you that I sent an e-mail to N1FM [ß Who maliciously jammed me.] stating that very thing and I mentioned that jamming you when you were attempting to be decent was not helping matters any.

Mark K8MHZ [no friend of mine] to me in “Intruders Into the Amateur Bands” 2 Jul ‘06

Monday, June 7, 2010

Is that a Treat [sic] or Promise?
Because you might be in even more trouble then!
Do you know what that can cause you?

Seem [sic] to me you do not take Authority seriously and that could be your big problem.

Presently you still do not know who you are dealing with, but when I do knock on your door you will no longer be laughing.

It will be a very sad day for you.

And I will be laughing as your [sic] taken away!

“Bill ‘Shit-For-Brains’ Bubba” a.k.a. Tom WHATLEY to me Re: KANUK [sic] e-mail 20 Oct ‘04

When you show up at my door in the middle of the night, it will be my “Treat” to have you suck the end of my Model 70 and/or ‘close talk my Magnus mic’ if you’re on your knees.
As a thinking individual, it is my Duty to question Authority, puke.
From your spelling mistakes, feeble reasoning, etc., I think you’re Kalamazoo Cuckoo [ND8V now KZ8O HI]….
Seventy Turds.
aka ‘Vlad the Impaler’

My terms of endearment to “Bill Bubba” a.k.a. Tom WHATLEY Re: KANUK [sic] e-mail 20 Oct ‘04

Saturday, June 5, 2010

What’s wrong?
Big mouth behind the mike?

“Bill Bubba” a.k.a. Tom WHATLEY to me typical & unanswered from 13 Oct ‘04

Hello Canadian Socialist,

So I hear you starting to speak out me [sic] on the air now. [ß Henglish speeke muuch?]
You must think you are getting a lot of attention.
Oh yes you will be very soon, and more then [sic] a knock on the door.
Maybe I’ll visit you in your nice and cozy Canadian jail cell?
But that is after I pay you a personal visit myself.
Don’t worry I will not just drive past,, I’ll will [sic] actually stop and say hello.

What is your problem with the NAZI’s
Oh sorry forgot you live in Canada that word if [sic] forbidden, you have no freedom of Speech in Canada.
Love [sic] live the Queen!
Cheers old man.
Remember I am an American not a CHicken [sic] Canadian! [ß We know/it’s too obvious by half….]

“Bill Bubba” a.k.a. Tom WHATLEY to me Subject: KANUK [sic] from 20 Oct ‘04

Should I load my Model 70 lightly for bird [as in Cuckoo] or heavily for bear?
Seventy Turds.
aka Captain Canuck

Me to “Bill Bubba” a.k.a. Tom WHATLEY Re: KANUK [sic] e-mail 20 Oct ‘04

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Apparently, it takes forever for ranting crazy people to be removed by the FCC. Check out the audio clip of the Florida amateur in this link....
And he even IDs his station during the rant. WOW! Riley...time for a massive time out for this tanned ham....

ToeJoe N9PH about Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob to Bob NA4BH in “K1MAN and N9OGL…” on 21 Aug ‘07

· This thread started with...."Who appointed K3VR, KZ8O, W4NTI, and the rest of that little group, censors of amateur radio? Don’t like what K1MAN, VE7KFM have to say? Do as Mr. Hollingsworth has said. Use the big knob...."
Exactly. As I tried to point out on the MAN/VE7 thread, the group here that believes they are FCC cops should be very careful what they wish for. None of them are without sin.
The FCC has a job to do and they will do it their way. Some of the self appointed FCC cops have no credibility left. And that wasn't done to them by their "enemies on the air", but by ordinary amateurs that are keeping those cards and letters coming to the real FCC cop.

ToeJoe N9PH in “Self-appointed, sensors of amateur radio” on 24 Aug ’07

· I am usually in favor of freedom of speech. [ß I am usually in favour of lobotomies, especially for patent idiots, like you!]

Tom N1FM/n1sob knows ‘squat’ about free speech/much about QRM’ing in “Jamming on 3950 KHz” on 8 Nov ‘07

Went down there last night after this first post, and the way I see it, the best thing that whole bunch could do is pack up their license and send it to the fcc with a note saying "please cancel"
There is NO excuse for operators OLD or NEW getting away with that crap!!!!!

Terry KF4PPT about Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob & Co. causing a ruckus on/in “3930 Trash” on 23 Nov ‘07

I heard a guy on 20m one day who had all of these silly recordings and sound effects. He played them for every occasion, just like a CBer. Then I heard him say he had an IC 7800. Sad

Dave AB3BK about Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob in “3930 Trash” on 23 Nov ‘07

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

After the dust settled down, I talked to parties on both sides. In case anyone who is outside looking in, take a cold hard look through the glass and see if you can see some retaliatory conduct from the past from some people that are sitting back. Hmm; sound familiar. You know who you are! Get a grip and move on. Oh by the way.. Can't we just all get along.

Tom ‘Peace-Maker’ [yea, right!] N1FM/n1sob in “FCC Chastises Feuding 75-Meter Occupants” on 12 Dec ‘01

Tom's only wish now, is to seek "revenge", and not "justice" through your agency as a result of the "beatings" I have thrown him…. Tom has been obsessed with me for quite some time now…. I harbor no ill feelings for Tom as he is a product of his training (brainwashing), present day society and it's commonly held "misconceptions", despite Tom's (n1fm) on the air statement: "I hope they yank your ticket and pyro-tech your house".

Tim KE4GDX e-mail to Riley Cc Tom N1FM 5 May ‘04

What’s wrong CAT got your toungue [ß sic]?

“Bill Bubba” a.k.a. Tom WHATLEY to me Subject: The Life of Riley from 10 Oct ‘04

I don’t reply to uneducated Americans who can’t spell their own language….
Go suck Riley off instead of wasting time here.
Seventy turds.

My reply to Bill Bubba a.k.a. Tom WHATLEY Re: The Life of Riley e-mail 10 Oct ‘04